I just woke up one morning and decided my old blog didn't fit anymore.

Sun Fuzzies are Delicious is what my daughter says everytime dust flies up in the air. It's a positive way of looking at an annoying problem.

Plus, it's kind of silly. And that seems to fit me better.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


My husband is scared of our freezer. Ask him. He'll tell you. He is scared of the freezer for the same reason that he should be scared of the refrigerator and the cupboards and the linen closet.

But for some reason he focuses all his fear on the freezer.

You see, when opening the door to the freezer, or closet, or cupboards around here, you're likely to get hurt. Things jump out of enclosed spaces. I'd like to think it's from being in this house and hanging around this family too long. We all get cabin fever easily and feel the need to escape enclosed spaces. The more likely scenario is that I am one of those people that just shoves stuff willy-nilly into freezers and fridges and closets. There is no rhyme or reason to how any of my shelves are arranged. I don't have time to think about it, I just have time to hide it behind a closed door.

So I can understand why my husband avoids the freezer and asks me to open it for him all the time. The Freezer can inflict pain. One time a whole bag of ice fell on my foot. Another time a bunch of Weight Watcher Breakfast Quesadillas punched me in the face. I guess they were tired of being taunted by the French Vanilla Ice Cream.

I googled "fear of freezers" to see if there is a name for that. The closest I came was "Frig-a-phobia" which is a fear of refrigerators.

I fear the refrigerator, but for a completely different reason. I'm not sure how long the stuff that jumps out at you has been in there sometimes. Does it jump out because it wants to be eaten? Because it has no room? Or because the other foods in there are tired of it sitting around wasting space? I just don't know. And I have a fear of the unknown.

Which I know there's a name out there for that too.

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